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  Communiqué de la société SEIF S.p.A du 16/12/2024 - SOCIETA EDITORIALE IL FATTO S.P.A: The Board of Directors approves the update of the three-year business plan

  16/12/2024 - 13:15

SOCIETA EDITORIALE IL FATTO S.P.A: The Board of Directors approves the update of the three-year business plan



The Board of Directors approves the update of the three-year business plan

  • Consolidated revenue growth with a CAGR 2025-2027 of approximately 12.8%.
  • Incidence of digital channel revenues of approximately 61% of the total in 2027
  • Resolved to sign investment agreement in the start-up Kikero Inc.

Rome, 4 December 2024 - The Board of Directors of Società Editoriale Il Fatto S.p.A. ("Company" or "SEIF" and jointly with LOFT, as defined below, the "Group"), media content provider and publisher of various editorial and multimedia products, a company whose shares are traded at Euronext Growth Milan, a multilateral system organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and at Euronext Growth Paris, met today and approved the annual update of the consolidated three-year business plan 2025-2027 (the "Plan").

The update is based on the analysis of the positive results achieved by the Company and the Group, particularly in terms of growth in digital subscriptions of the various products, in line with the KPIs of the business plan communicated to the market at the end of 2023 (see press release of 30 November 2023), which envisages the transition from media company to multi-channel community company. The trends mentioned above make the management trends compatible with those of the prospective liquidity plan for the 18-month period following the date of 30 June 2024, drawn up with the approval of the half-yearly report as at 30 June 2024, which envisages a return to profitability and financial equilibrium at the end of the period.

The Board of Directors estimated a CAGR 1 2025-2027 of consolidated sales and service revenues of approximately 12.8%, compared to the estimated CAGR for the three-year period 2024-2026 of 14.9%. The expected average growth rate is positively affected by the further strengthening of the community, digital channels and the School of The Fact. The lower CAGR value in the three-year period 2025-2027 is mainly due to the growth of the starting revenues in the period under consideration, compared to those in the previous plan 2024-2026.

The Board of Directors confirmed the Group's commitment to continue investing in technological innovation, the use of artificial intelligence for publishing activities and the further development of the technological infrastructure supporting the various digital media channels. In this regard, the incidence of revenues over the plan period from digital channels is estimated at about 61%, in line with the 62% estimated in 2026. The slight reduction in the incidence of digital revenues is due to a higher than previously estimated growth in revenues from the sale of books, which are considered as non-digital revenues.


1 CAGR stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate / Annual Growth Rate

Cinzia Monteverdi, President and CEO of SEIF, commented: 'The execution of the industrial plan resolved about two years ago is proceeding along the lines of the centrality of our newspapers, the development of the digital component of our group, and the further strengthening of the Scuola del Fatto and all the production branches of SEIF. The industrial plan also looks at technological innovation. In small steps we are also investing in artificial intelligence aimed at developing revenues and margins'.

The Board of Directors confirms the strategic lines already communicated to the market, which include the transition from media company to community company,


The Board of Directors of SEIF, also on today's date, also granter the CEO with all the necessary powers to sign an investment contract for the acquisition of 10% of the share capital of Kikero Inc., a US start-up conceived by Giulio De Angeli, a neuroscientist, researcher and developer in the field of artificial intelligence, for a total countervalue of €300,000, of which €250,000 through the payment of a cash consideration divided into 6 tranches over the next 18 months and €50,000 through media for equity. The start-up owns an application aimed at enhancing the learning speed of students through the use of artificial intelligence. Kikero Inc.'s application makes it possible to generate customised mnemonics that improve the end user's learning ability. The Kikero project, which is also aimed at an international market, has the objective of developing synergies related to the Education branch and the resulting revenues.

It should be noted that the transaction qualifies as a transaction with related parties since the director Giulio De Angeli is the majority shareholder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kikero Inc. and that the same does not fall under transactions of greater significance pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 3, letter c) of the Company's procedure for transactions with related parties. The transaction was approved subject to the non-binding reasoned opinion of the Related Parties Committee on the Company's interest in carrying out the transaction as well as on the appropriateness and substantial correctness of the related conditions. The binding documents relating to the aforementioned transaction will be signed by 31 December 2024.


For the dissemination of regulated information, SEIF uses the 1INFOSDIR dissemination system (, managed by Computershare S.p.A. with registered office in Milan, Via Lorenzo Mascheroni no. 19 and authorised by CONSOB.

This press release is available in the Investor Relations/Press Release section of the website and at


SOCIETÀ EDITORIALE IL FATTO S.P.A. (SEIF) is an independent media company, founded in Rome in 2009 and led by Cinzia Monteverdi, President and CEO. The company is the publisher of several editorial and multimedia products, including Il Fatto Quotidiano, a newspaper founded by Antonio Padellaro and directed by Marco Travaglio, the news website and the monthly magazine FQ Millennium, directed by Peter Gomez, and the publishing house Paper First, directed by Marco Travaglio. Recently SEIF undertook a diversification process to become more and more an all-round media content provider, launching a digital and data-driven product development strategy and TV production with its subsidiary Loft produzioni Srl.

For more information:

Community Press Office

Marco Rubino +39 335 6509552

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Euronext Growth Advisor

Integrae SIM S.p.A.

Piazza Castello, 24 - 20121 Milan

tel. +39 02 80 50 61 60


SEIF - Investor relations

06 32818514

Cinzia Monteverdi (CEO)

Luigi Calicchia (CFO)

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  Original Source : SEIF S.p.A