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  Communiqué de la société ESPERITE du 06/10/2020 - ESPERITE N.V. announces the voting results for the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ESPERITE N.V. held on Wednesday 30 September 2020.

  06/10/2020 - 07:55

ESPERITE N.V. announces the voting results for the Extra-ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ESPERITE N.V. held on Wednesday 30 September 2020.

The Netherlands – 5 October 2020

Voting results are set out below: 

Number of shares represented at the meeting: 11'070'877

Percentage of issued share capital as per the registration date: 14.33%

Agenda item - Resolution # votes % votes For Against Abstain Result
Agenda item 2
Approval Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 8 January 2019
11'070'877 14.33% 10'346'865 2'001 722'011 Adopted
Agenda item 5
Delegation to the Board of Directors of the powers to issue, and grant rights to subscribe for, shares in the capital of the Company and to restrict or exclude pre-emptive rights accruing in connection with such issue of shares or grant of rights to subscribe for shares
11'070'877 14.33% 10'351'255 11 719'611 Adopted
Agenda Item 6
Proposal to reduce the share capital with EUR 15,750,000 by means of reducing the nominal value of the shares from EUR 0.10 to EUR 0.01 per share
11'070'877 14.33% 10'350'495 771 719'611 Adopted
Agenda item 7
Amendment of article 4 of the Articles of Association
11'070'877 14.33% 10'351'255 11 719'611 Adopted
Agenda item 8
(i) Appointment of Mr. Hugo Brugiere as executive director, CEO of the Company for a maximum period of four years or until the AGM to be held in 2024
11'070'877 14.33% 10'351'255 11 719'611 Adopted
Agenda item 8
(ii) Re-appointment of Mr. Gert-Jan van der Marel as non-executive director of the Company for a maximum period of four years or until the AGM to be held in 2024
11'070'877 14.33% 10'348'855 11 722'011 Adopted
Agenda item 8
(iii) Appointment of Mr. Amar as non-executive director of the Company for a maximum period of four years or until the AGM to be held in 2024
11'070'877 14.33% 10'351'255 11 719'611 Adopted
Agenda item 9
Discharge of the former members of the Board of Directors 
11'070'877 14.33% 10'349'255 569'621 152'001 Adopted
Agenda item 10
Proposal to approve, confirm and ratify the entering into the strategic license agreement 
11'070'877 14.33% 10'346'855 11 724'011 Adopted

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  Original Source : ESPERITE