Founded in 2010, Amoéba is a greentech company based in Chassieu (Lyon, France) whose ambition is to become a major player in the treatment of microbiological risk based on the patented use of amoebae in the plant protection and cosmetics sectors.
With know-how that is unique in the world and protected by numerous patents, Amoéba is currently the only company capable of exploiting the full potential of the Willaertia amoeba on an industrial scale and growing it in sufficient volumes to offer biological solutions that constitute a viable alternative to the chemical products widely used today. Amoéba is currently focusing on the global biocontrol market for plant protection and the cosmetics market. As the marketing of plant protection products is subject to obtaining local regulatory approvals, the Company has taken the necessary regulatory steps and in 2022 obtained approval for its active substance in the USA as well as the recommendation for approval in Europe issued by the Austrian authority. Cosmetic applications do not require prior approval from a competent authority in Europe or the United States.
Amoéba is listed on Euronext Growth (ALMIB). The company is a member of the Bpifrance Excellence network and is eligible for the PEA-PME scheme. For more information, visit www.amoeba-nature.com.