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  ROCHE BOBOIS company press release from 30/01/2025 - RETURN TO GROWTH IN Q4 2024 - 2024 REVENUE: EUR 414M

  30/01/2025 - 17:45



2024 REVENUE: €414M







Paris, 30 January 2025

ROCHE BOBOIS SA (ISIN: FR0013344173 - Ticker symbol: RBO), the global benchmark on the high-end home furnishings market and French Art de Vivre, today announces full-year revenue of €414.0m for 2024, nearly reaching its target of €418m. As expected, the Group posted a return to growth in the fourth quarter (up 3.5%) thanks to the solid pace of deliveries and the contribution of the recently integrated operations in China. This performance is all the more noteworthy given that Q4 2023 constitutes a challenging basis of comparison. The Roche Bobois Group thus managed to limit the downturn in business to a 3.6% decline for the full year and confirmed its aim of posting between €72m and €76m in EBITDA, as previously announced.

Moreover, retail sales of directly operated stores, which will directly contribute to revenue in the coming months, rose nearly 6% in Q4 2024 compared to the same period last year. This figure was bolstered by a particularly solid performance in December (up 15.3%), mainly driven by the United States/Canada region.

Overall, full-year 2024 retail sales of directly operated stores totalled €360.0m, representing a slight increase of 2.3% at current exchange rates compared to 2023. Including the order intake of franchised stores, all brands combined, total retail sales came to €589.0m (down 2.0% at current exchange rates and down 0.9% at constant exchange rates).


Lastly, it should be noted that the Group had an order backlog of €134.7m[1] at 31 December 2024.

Note that Roche Bobois communicates both revenue (stemming from effective deliveries by its directly operated stores and from royalties and commission fees) and retail sales (stemming from pre-tax order intake by the network of directly operated stores and franchises for its two brands). The retail sales of directly operated stores account for the main part of sales revenue with a delay of around 3-6 months depending on the region. Any growth in the retail sales of the directly operated stores therefore has a direct effect on future revenue growth.

(unaudited - €m)
2023 2024 Change at current
exchange rates (%)
Change at constant exchange rates (%)
9M revenue 320.1 300.6 -6.1% -6.2%
Q4 109.6 113.4 +3.5% +3.1%
12M TOTAL 429.6 414.0 -3.6% -3.8%

Detailed information on revenue by region is available in the appendices



Reconciliation between Retail sales/Revenue (€m)

2024 retail sales 588.9
Franchise retail sales -228.9
Logistics intermediary activity in China +4.0
Impact of the pace of orders and deliveries +8.4
Royalties +10.7
Other services +30.9
2024 revenue 414.0



Forward-looking statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements do not constitute guarantees regarding the future performance of Roche Bobois SA. This forward-looking information covers the future outlook, growth and commercial strategy of Roche Bobois SA and is based on the analysis of future result forecasts and estimates of amounts that cannot yet be determined. By nature, forward-looking information involves risks and uncertainties, as it relates to events and depends on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Roche Bobois SA draws your attention to the fact that forward-looking statements provide no guarantee of future performance and that its actual financial position, results and cash flow, as well as changes in the sector in which Roche Bobois operates, may differ significantly from those proposed or suggested by the forward-looking statements contained in this document. Moreover, even if Roche Bobois' financial position, results, cash flow and changes in the sector in which Roche Bobois SA operates were to be in accordance with the forward-looking information contained in this document, these results or changes may not be a reliable indicator of Roche Bobois SA's future results or developments. A description of events that could have a material adverse effect on the business, finances or results of ROCHE BOBOIS SA, or on its ability to achieve its objectives, is set out in the "Risk Factors" section of the Universal Registration Document (URD).



Current EBITDA: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation. It designates the Group's pre-tax profit before interest, depreciation and amortisation of fixed assets (but after depreciation of stocks and receivables), store opening costs, expenses for payments in shares, including the associated social charges.


[1] Order backlog for the Group's directly operated stores (all brands combined) yet to be delivered

[2] Eco-design is measured using the ECO8 tool, developed in cooperation with FCBA, which assesses products based on eight environmental criteria covering all stages throughout their life cycle.

[3] See press release dated 5 July 2024

[4] Net figure restated for closures over the period

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  Original Source: ROCHE BOBOIS